We all have this tendency toward sending out a signal others that were good people. We have the need to believe that if we’re good enough, then we deserve whatever it is we desire, whether it’s something in the here now like an M&M for a child or the guy of our dreams. Or the cure to the disease. or Heaven. We are good, we are worthy, we did this thing or that thing. We didn’t kill, we didn’t steal. We volunteered. Or we wrote that check to charity. We were nice to people. We went to church on Sunday.

But don’t you know: you will never be good enough. I know I won’t. And while that can send me reeling, I can’t let it. And maybe you are thinking: what did she do???? But I’m here to tell you, I am not good enough even if I just sit at home and never interact with anyone. How is that possible? Because we ALL fall short of God. We are ALL flawed. We are ALL sinners.

Today’s virtue signal is the mask. WEAR A MASK! I am here to tell you, that the hairs on your head are numbered. If you have put your faith in the industrial medical complex and their flawed science, and their flawed system, you haven’t got a savior, you’ve got an idol.

So while we have this battle over wearing a mask, let me ask you what your virtue signal is. Is it your job? Your spouse? Your kids? Your attendance at church? Your clean house? We all do it, it’s subtle. As an accountant, you will hear me say that I can tell what you worship by how/where you spend your money. Don’t believe me? Go have a look at your spending over the past year. And if you say you don’t spend a lot, I will ask you: isn’t saving a worship of some sort, too?

You see these are ways that we attempt to be good or better even than others. But let me remind you that we are told that we look for our accolades on this earth we will certainly not get them from God.