I read every day about people trying to avert death. I read about everything from murders to mask wearing and the underlying current is the fear of death. Of course! I get it, I don’t want to die, either. I want to live long enough to see my kids get married and have kids of their own. I want to enjoy life with those I love. But here’s the thing: we are ALL going to die. ALL of us. No one has thwarted death. Except for one: Jesus Christ. He rose from the dead to save us from the wrath of God as punishment for our sins–and now we are promised an eternity in Heaven if we would only accept him as our savior and turn to him in our daily walk.

And boy, those words sound so trite to someone like me. Someone like me who heard those words so often that they didn’t have any power but merely sounded like hypocrites preaching their malarkey at me. And I was right about one thing: they were hypocrites. Every one, and not because they meant to be, but because I believed that if they could make those statements, then certainly that must mean they found the way to not be so judgmental or have so many issues. But that’s the thing, believing in Jesus as a savior has nothing to do with that. We want it to, because we don’t want to face up to our defeat. Our own inability to control our ways. Our complete failure to live up to some perfection and standard we can’t ever attain.

I am here to tell you, that it’s not about attaining some standard of perfection, it is in the journey.

And boy, is this journey hard, or what?

Take it from me: Your number one sinner. (And if you don’t recall how I feel about the word “sin”, you can read more about it here.)

I don’t want to be! I want to be good! I want to love others whole-heartedly! Even those that do wrong by me! I read about people with incredible forgiveness in them and I feel awful, I feel like I can’t get there! I forgive, but not all the time! How do I overcome this?

Well, I’m a work in progress, so as I pray and read His Word, I am peeling back the onion layers and getting to the heart of what holds me back. And there’s a lot for me that holds me back, but that I’ll save for another post.

I am here today to remind you about your mortality. So, remember, your death on this earth is only final for those you leave behind, but when you take Jesus as your savior, you will have eternal life. And I am so happy about that, because I am reminded that my only work here is worthwhile if I can take you along for the ride, because when you go, or I go, I want to make sure I’m going to see you again. In Heaven one day.

Here I cry, Lord, we pray.

Our faces down, our hands are raised

You called us out, we turned away

We’ve turned away

With shipwrecked faith, the idols rise

We do what’s right, in our own eyes

Our children now will pay the price

We need Your light, Lord, shine Your light

If we’ve ever needed You

Lord, it’s now, Lord, it’s now

We are desperate for Your hand

We’re reaching out, we’re reaching out

All our hearts, all our strength

with all our minds, we’re at Your fee

May Your Kingdom come in our hearts and lives

Let Your church arise, let Your church arise

If we’ve ever needed You

Lord, it’s now, Lord, it’s now

we are desperate for your hand

We’re reaching out, we’re reaching out

We’re reaching out

If we’ve ever needed You

Lord, it’snow, Lord, it’s now

We are desperate for Your hand

we’re reaching out, we’re reachin gout

Lord, we’re reaching out

If we’ve ever needed you

Lor, it’snow, Lord, it’s now

Lord, we need You now

We are desperate for Your hand

we’re reaching out

Lord, we’re reaching out

we’re reaching out

Lord, we’re reaching out

We need You now

Revive us now

we need You now.

Casting Crowns, If We’ve Ever Needed You