All of us have met that person who can’t get beyond themselves. You know the ones, they lack empathy, all roads lead to them, they are caught in their own victimization.

These people are so damaged, and they are also damaging. Their lack of empathy makes it impossible not only to have a healthy relationship with anyone, but it hinders them from healing.

What is a person to do when you encounter these people? This is when I truly believe that the reflections on our own character play out in a way that couldn’t otherwise. You see these narcissistic personality types have a way of sucking the life out of everyone and it’s very easy to lash out; It seems that the world at large would justify lashing out at the person. I always say that the true test of character is how a person behaves in a bad situation and not a good one. Now, I’m not saying you should put yourself in the line of fire of one of these people. I am not even suggesting befriending one. I am saying that when you have the unfortunate circumstances of having to deal with one of these and don’t have the choice to leave the relationship (family member, co-worker, boss, etc.) learning to hone in on your ability to act gracefully is key here. And it’s not easy. These people are so anger provoking that it’s near impossible. But it’s possible. In the midst f this you will find yourself being honed by God. Seeking out the Gospel in the midst of this and anchoring yourself in the truth of His Word instead of the world’s will aid in creating in you a person you may not have thought you could be.

And I am NOT suggesting that if you are married to one of these that you should stay. You should never stay with an abuser, emotional or physical, God does NOT honor marriage over the individual. No way.

I am saying that use the time to really learn patience and grace, even if it’s wasted on the narcissist. It will not be wasted on you.