Are you one of those people that has it all together? You grew up in the Christian faith and your life looks good. Your kids are following in faith and you don’t have many issues with them. You are proud and happy. Your spouse and you have a good relationship, and it’s altogether a blessed life.

Who are your friends? Other church goers and so you keep your life fully encompassed in your faith walk. You volunteer at a local soup kitchen, you even donate to different organizations to help those in need. You pray for your neighbors. You shake your head at the news around you and wonder at the tragedy of the lives you read about. If only they knew the God you know.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you aren’t all that. I’m sorry, I know that this isn’t something you want to hear. But Jesus didn’t donate dinner to the sinners, he ATE with them! He invited them into His life. He made FRIENDS with them. He cohort-ed with them. He showed them His truth by LIVING IT OUT WITH THEM. Not by standing on the sidelines praying. He didn’t send a check and prayer and hope. He walked with them. He showed them The Way by being in their daily lives.

So I ask you, are you making a point of being friends with those who need to see what living in Christ really looks like? Are you gracefully guiding them by showing them what healthy relationships look like and then gently speaking with them about it?

Because if you aren’t, then you aren’t walking in your faith, you are just talking in it. And we are meant to WALK it and TALK it. And LIVE it. And breathe it not only in, but OUT. Without judgment or derision. But with LOVE.