We’ve heard that line at least a thousand times in our lifetime. Yet it doesn’t sink in. I am continually perplexed at the American food industry and how it contradicts health and wellness. There is a movement out there-there are many movements out there to eat the optimal in health. Paleo, clean eating, calorie restrictions, no dairy, no carbs, gluten free–there is no shortage of diets for you to choose from. But what if we stopped and thought about the entirety of the process. From the way food is grown, what is put on the crops (think glyphosate!) to what’s done to it before we purchase it from the grocer or a restaurant. Does it even resemble what it was meant to be? Does it have the nutrition it claims on the side of the package if our bodies cannot process it?
Like so many people, I have lost my health only to have to travel down the road of searching out all these many different fad diets. And that still small voice inside remembers what a woman at one of my bible studies once said in relation to life in general: if I put it through the reasoning in the Bible, is it sound?
So I began the journey of the farm-to-table movement. Many in this movement that I have met are Paleo inspired, but I know that in Biblical times and times in general before the industrialization of food meat simply wasn’t eaten with the frequency nor quantity that we eat today. And we are a country that goes hungry, but we are not starving. In fact, we are the most obese country in the world. So as I explore diet, I also explore how I feel when I eat. Am I hungry or am I just well trained as a snacker (yes, that I certainly am!) So as I take this food journey, I’ll take you along with me, as it has had very interesting outcomes and great successes. It did all start in my early 20s when I was inspired by a family my mother was friends with, and we had dinner with them over the course of time. They were eating based on the book Fit For Life by Harvey Diamond and Marilyn Diamond (maybe it’s that she has the same name as me!) But that book was the beginning of the change in my life that I needed at that time. It caused me to think about what happens to the food after it enters my body. You can purchase the book here. (I do receive a very small profit when you click through.) My bookshelves are filled with over 100 books on food, nutrition, and wellness. In the coming weeks, I will be starting a detox plan that is not a cleanse, it’s a means to clean out the bad non-foods and to get eating healthier, eating less, feeling fulfilled and to stop using food as a means to something other than nourishment. I hope you’ll join me!