I was at a funeral for a friend’s mom and can’t help but feel saddened by the tragedy of lies told during such an event. The priest was saying that there is hope for heaven when we love and are good. There is NOWHERE in the bible that states this. In fact, the bible tells us, that the only way to heaven is faith in Jesus Christ as the savior. In John 14: 4-6, Thomas is questioning Jesus and asks:

Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?”
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

I feel like so many people are led astray believing that God is like a genie in a bottle, that we just take him down off the shelf when we need him and at times of death, we can seek solace in Him, although we don’t really know Him, or His Son or what He meant for us. How can we expect Him to accept us when we choose to willfully ignore him for our daily lives? How can Heaven be available to us when we never even thought about what that means?

I prayed for Him during that service to use me for the ability to use my knowledge of His Truth to set them truly free. To open their eyes to this incredible and magnificent God who loves me and who continually hones me as a person to respond in ways to people filled with grace, mercy, and love.

I’d rather be wrong about Jesus and have lived for him than be wrong and not have lived for Him and found that there was no eternal life for me.